============= Flask-Plugins ============= .. currentmodule:: flask_plugins Flask-Plugins provides an easy way to create plugins for your application. It is possible to create Events which can then be used to extend your application without the need to modify your core code. .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: none Quickstart ========== First of all, you have to initialize the extension. This can be done in two different ones. The first one is to initalize it directly:: from flask.ext.plugins import PluginManager plugin_manager = PluginManager(app) where as the second one is to use the factory pattern:: from flask.ext.plugins import PluginManager plugin_manager = PluginManager() plugin_manager.init_app(app) Plugin Structure ---------------- After the first step is done, you can start developing your first plugin. The most minimal plugin needs to have at least it's **own** directory, a **info.json** file, where some meta data about the plugin is stored and last but not least a **__init__.py** file where the name of the plugin class is specified. For example, the structure of small plugin can look like this: .. sourcecode:: text my_plugin |-- info.json |-- __init__.py the structure of a more complex plugin can also look like this: .. sourcecode:: text my_plugin |-- info.json Contains the Plugin's metadata |-- license.txt The full license text of your plugin |-- __init__.py The plugin's main class is located here |-- views.py |-- models.py |-- forms.py |-- static | |-- style.css |-- templates |-- myplugin.html Hello World! ------------ For a better understanding you can also have a look at the `example application`_. Another important note is, that you have to specify the name of the plugin class in the **__init__.py** file. The reason for this is that the Plugin Loader looks in the ``__init__.py`` for a ``__plugin__`` variable to load the plugin. If no such variable exists, the loader will just go on to the next plugin. and if the specified name in ``__init__.py`` doesn't match the name of the actual plugin class it will raise an exception. So for example, the ``__plugin__`` variable, in the ``__init__.py`` file, for a ``HelloWorld`` plugin class could look like this:: __plugin__ = "HelloWorld" A HelloWorld Plugin could, for example, look like this:: class HelloWorld(Plugin): def setup(self): connect_event('before-data-rendered', do_before_data_rendered) In addition to this, the **info.json** file is also required. It just contains some information about the plugin:: { "identifier": "hello_world", "name": "Hello World", "author": "sh4nks", "license": "BSD", "description": "A Hello World Plugin.", "version": "1.0.0" } For more available fields, see `The info.json File`_. Enabling and Disabling Plugins ------------------------------ This extension, unlike other python plugin systems, uses a different approach for handling plugins. Instead of installing plugins from PyPI, plugins should just be dropped into a directory. Another thing that is unique, is to disable plugins without touching any source code. To do so, a simple *DISABLED* file in the plugin's root directory is enough. This can either be done by hand or with the methods provided by :class:`PluginManager`. The directory structure of a disabled plugin is shown below. .. sourcecode:: text my_plugin |-- DISABLED # Just add a empty file named "DISABLED" to disable a plugin |-- info.json |-- __init__.py The server needs to be restarted in order to disable the plugin. This is a limitation of Flask. However, it is possible, to restart the application by sending a HUP signal to the application server. The following code snippets, are showing how this can be done with the WSGI server *gunicorn*. Gunicorn has be to started in daemon (``--daemon``) mode in order for this to work. .. sourcecode:: python @app.route('/restart-server/') def restart_server(): os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGHUP) Which you can then call via a AJAX call. .. sourcecode:: javascript function reload_server() { // Reload Server $.ajax({ url: "/reload-server/" }); // Wait 1 second and reload page setTimeout(function(){ window.location = document.URL; }, 1000); } This can then be called with a simple button (given you have included the JS file in your html template). .. sourcecode:: html Events ------ We also provide a Event system out of the box. It is up to you if you want to extend your application with events. If you decide to use it, then you just need to add in specific places in your code the :func:`emit_event` function with the name of your event and optionally the data which can be modified by a plugin:: from flask.ext.plugins import emit_event emit_event("before-data-rendered", data) and than you can add a callback (e.q. in your plugin setup method):: from flask.ext.plugins import connect_event def do_before_data_rendered(data): return "returning modified data" connect_event("before-data-rendered", do_before_data_rendered) Of course you can also do that in your templates - For this we have already added :func:`emit_event` to your jinja env context. So you just need to call it in the template:: {{ emit_event("before-data-rendered") }} If you want to see a fully working example, please check it out `here `_. The info.json File ================== Below are shown all available fields a plugin can use. Of course, it always depends if the application, that uses this extension, needs so much information about a plugin. The only really required fields are marked with **required**. ``identifier``: **required** The plugin's identifier. It should be a Python identifier (starts with a letter or underscore, the rest can be letters, underscores, or numbers) and should match the name of the plugin's folder. ``name``: **required** A human-readable name for the plugin. ``author``: **required** The name of the plugin's author, that is, you. It does not have to include an e-mail address, and should be displayed verbatim. ``description`` A description of the plugin in a few sentences. If you can write multiple languages, you can include additional fields in the form ``description_lc``, where ``lc`` is a two-letter language code like ``es`` or ``de``. They should contain the description, but in the indicated language. ``description_lc`` This is a dictionary of localized versions of the description. The language codes are all lowercase, and the ``en`` key is preloaded with the base description. ``website`` The URL of the plugin's Web site. This can be a Web site specifically for this plugin, Web site for a collection of plugins that includes this plugin, or just the author's Web site. ``license`` A simple phrase indicating your plugin's license, like ``GPL``, ``MIT/X11``, ``Public Domain``, or ``Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0``. You can put the full license's text in the ``license.txt`` file. ``license_url`` A URL pointing to the license text online. ``version`` This is simply to make it easier to distinguish between what version of your plugin people are using. It's up to the theme/layout to decide whether or not to show this, though. ``options`` Any additional options. These are entirely application-specific, and may determine other aspects of the application's behavior. API Documentation ================= .. autofunction:: get_enabled_plugins .. autofunction:: get_all_plugins .. autofunction:: get_plugin_from_all .. autofunction:: get_plugin The Plugin Class ---------------- Every ``Plugin`` should implement this class. It is used to get plugin specific data. and the :class:`PluginManager` tries call the methods which are stated below. .. autoclass:: Plugin :members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __weakref__ Plugin System ------------- .. autoclass:: PluginManager :members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __weakref__ Event System ------------ .. autoclass:: EventManager :members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __weakref__ .. autofunction:: emit_event .. autofunction:: connect_event .. autofunction:: iter_listeners .. _example application: https://github.com/sh4nks/flask-plugins/tree/master/example